POPIA Compliance Manuals Hot Off the Press

Days left to become POPIA compliant.

Good News: The Solution Is Here

The Protection of Personal Information Act, 4 of 2013 (“POPIA” or “the Act”) requires that responsible parties keep plans and processes in place on how they process, store and share personal information. Responsible parties are required to respect their clients’ right to privacy and endeavour to collect and use information minimally, transparently, and for the purpose for which it was collected. 

With the effective date of POPIA looming, we are proud to announce the solution! ARMS has just launched its own POPIA compliance packages today to assist Small Business owners across all industries to comply with POPIA. 

For Smaller Enterprises

Quick Compliance Manual

By purchasing the Quick Compliance Manual, you will gain access to:

  •  user-friendly assessments to help identify areas of non-compliance 
  • user-friendly assessments to evaluate the level of your business’ compliance with POPIA (after the implementation of the manual);
  •  appointment forms for your information officer;
  • a comprehensive POPIA Policy which describes your business’s commitment to compliance;
  • practical policies, forms, and agreements to ensure that data subjects (albeit employees, clients, etc.) can object to the processing of personal information, request the deletion or correction of personal information, or consent to the processing of personal information;
  • internal policies and procedures to ensure the physical and environmental security of personal information as well as the legal retention and destruction of personal information;
  • a website cookie policy and 
  • tips to ensure sustained compliance.

Optional:  2 Hour Live Online POPIA Employee Training Package

As an optional add-on, we offer a two-hour training session available to our members or clients who purchased the training and compliance manuals. This is an excellent way to ensure that both managers and your other employees are aware of their new duties and rights. It also addresses:

  • Understanding the lawful conditions of processing personal information;
  • Understanding the consequences of non-compliance with the Act
  • Guidance on the appointment and role of the Information Officer 
  • Practical Guidance on implementing the policies within your workplace
  • Questions and Answers regarding POPIA

For Medium and Large Scale Enterprises

Comprehensive Compliance Manual

Please note that if you are a medium or large entity, we recommend that you purchase the medium and large enterprises POPIA compliance offering. Benefits of purchasing the deep dive compliance manual include:

  • additional practical policies, forms and agreements to ensure that 
  • data subjects (albeit employees, clients etc.) can object to the processing of personal information;
  • data subjects can request the deletion or correction of personal information or consent to the processing of personal information;
  • your business is protected from liability caused by a third party’s non-compliance with POPIA
  • internal policies and procedures which addresses the following topics:
    • acceptable use of technology;
    • the secure storage of data (physical, environmental, technological);
    • the legal retention and destruction of data;
    • privacy;
    • the legal transfer of information;
    • online privacy and website cookies

Optional Deep Dive POPIA Employee Training Package   

Medium and large enterprises will need extra assistance. ARMS will provide additional Deep Dive Training totaling five hours which will address:

  • understanding the rights and responsibilities under the Act;
  • practical guidance on implementing the policies within your workplace and upskilling of employees to provide peace of mind that they can comply with the Act;
  • specialised training on the handling of key areas of POPIA such as the processing of special personal information, direct marketing, transfer of information abroad, etc.

How Do I Know Which Manual or Training is Right For Me?

For most ARMS members the Quick Compliance Manual will be sufficient. However, if you have 10 or more employees who have access to personal and confidential information then we recommend the Comprehensive Compliance Manual. If you are not sure, feel free to give us a call.

We appreciate the input we received from you on Monday !  The training was very helpful and your understanding and support meant a lot.”

– Jolanda Blom, Tru Temp Airconditioning